Tuesday, April 20, 2010

because life is too short....

Here's just a quick note to my awesome family reading this. I love y'all! Most of the time I don't say the words "I love you", but I hope all of you know that I do. Y'all are all special to me in your own way. I love having a big family and I wouldn't trade any of y'all for the world. Y'all are my best friends that I know I can always count on. You're wonderful examples to me and I get to watch you and see how life works. We can laugh together and cry together. I know none of you will ever do anything to hurt me or betray me. I wish we all lived close together, but even though we don't we can still be "close". I am SO thankful for the family God gave me and I want y'all to know that. Love you guys!


The Anders said...

Love you too girl! You are the greatest sister...you are always so willing to talk, hang, help with the kids. We love you!

Morgan Family said...

Love you lots too! You are a FANTASTIC aunt! =)


Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

We love you too!! Finally got to check out your blog, and it looks great! Can't wait to be seeing your pictures!