Monday, April 25, 2011

too cute

When I was taking pictures of Analee the other day, I got this one of Alayna. I thought it was too cute not to post.

I've seriously neglected blogging lately:(. Life is so crazy! It's really hard to believe that next week, I will be 4 months away from getting married. Time has really flown by and I know it's not going to slow down. It's really exciting, but also kinda' scary when I think about all the stuff that has to get done before now and then. When I got engaged, I pushed a lot of stuff to the back of my head and decided I wouldn't worry about it until May or June. Well May is almost here!

It is so nice to now have a house! The closing had been scheduled three different weeks, but the third week it actually happened. The Lord really blessed in that situation as Matt and I never thought we would start out in such a nice place. Now I'm looking forward to cleaning the place this weekend! I love seeing dirty things come clean.

It's also been nice to have my future in-laws around for a little while. We've enjoyed getting together with them and the three J's.

Well, I'm sure y'all are tired of me rambling -- until later...


Matt said...

Aww France... You never ramble... God sure has been good to us its so nice to have a house now and sooo glad its finally ours;)... its pretty Awesome to think only 4 more months till our wedding can't wait;)...

The Anders said...

Love this picture. Can't even see the trouble up the nose. ;)

franny said...

Joy, I have to tell you that I got rid of the trouble up the nose.:)I love the little editing tool sometimes! I don't usually use it, but I did for this one.