Saturday, August 1, 2015

Instagrams -- July

we went with some family to visit a little zoo near us... Matt got to go on a blimp ride... the boys all ready for the parade... Matt had lots of help driving in the parade...
 we had one boy all excited about the fireworks and one just the opposite (he did get over it and ended up enjoying them)... the baby was being all snugly with daddy... the boys and I went with my sister and her kids to the Cow Appreciation Day at Chick fil a... my little cows...

I'm so happy with my kitchen! Even though the floors are not what I would've picked out, they really don't bother me now with everything not being the same color... sharing an ice cream cone... I loved Riley's expression while wearing my sunglasses... the boys were excited to be holding hands walking into church...
I made a bright curtain and a sign with a quote from one of my favorite songs for the kitchen... we had a fun day planned with outdoor activities but it rained so we watched Veggie Tales, colored and had an indoor picnic... I believe that dirt is a necessity in a little boy's life... this kiddo is just like his brother and likes to try out dangerous things...

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