Friday, August 19, 2011

bridal shower

To address my sister Susan, I really hope that I do a better job at blogging as a married woman than I am doing right now. My problem isn't that I just haven't been blogging, but that I've neglected to pick up the camera. It's terribly sad!!

Moving on... here are some pictures of my bridal shower. I seriously couldn't believe that this was my shower and that I was actually the one sitting up there! I do showers all the time so it was very strange to be on the receiving end. I really like how they opened up for people to share advice. All of it was great and I'm sure I'm going to need it. We were given so many things and have been so blessed by our families and church family.

Ellen gave us her first crosstich -- I totally love it!! Btw, it's already up in our house. :)

I had lots of helpers!

Those who decorated did a beautiful job...

 Oh and the food... amazing!

So, now I'm getting married in two weeks and I'm totally thrilled!!!!! Time really has flown by for me which is nice. I feel like I'm on the home stretch with all the things I had to do for the wedding. I can actually see the floor in my room now and I had almost forgotten the color of the carpet. I'm also thankful that my fiance has a job again! That was a huge answer to prayer. He was extremely encouraged and upbeat through the whole process which really helped. Now, I believe it is safe to say that the next time I post on here, I will be married!

P.S. Thank you to Charity and Anna for manning my camera for the day.


Morgan Family said...

Loved seeing the pictures again! I just C.A.N N.O.T believe that in two weeks y'all will be married at this time!!!!!
I'm so happy for y'all!:)

Oh, Your welcome for taking the pictures...any time!

Unknown said...

I loved seeing these pictures! I so wish I could have been there! Can't wait to see you really soon.

The Anders said...

I can't believe it girl....and no, not the fact that you finally posted. :)

Mae said...

I can't wait 4 another excuse 2 go 2 FL. p.s. The food is making me hungry;) -Thoma$