Thursday, August 28, 2014

Riley's birthday party

We celebrated Riley's second birthday with some of our family.
He loved that his cake had "trucks"! Although they really aren't trucks and his daddy tried to get him to say "four-wheeler" he still called them trucks.

 He wasn't scared of the candles this year and liked trying to blow them out.

 The kids had a water balloon fight. The little kids would pretty much just run to the edge of the porch and throw them on the ground but they had fun doing that.

He was so happy to get his tricycle. He discovered our hiding spot for the trike a couple days before his birthday and was very heart broken that I wouldn't let him play with it. 

He does know how to peddle a little bit but prefers to use his feet to scoot around. 

Our little boy is growing up and his vocabulary is every growing. He can repeat everything you ask him to say, although it doesn't always sound like the word. He has started singing a lot and will go around the house making up songs that I can't really understand. The other day I told him to do something and he said, "No. I don't want to."! He is learning how to count and I'm pretty sure he skips "three" and says "four" for both number. That's at least what it sounds like to me. He is becoming more gentle with Weston and is turning into a good big brother. I've caught him standing next to the baby a couple of times with his hands folded saying "pray". We are so thankful for our Riley Preston!


Unknown said...

The party looks like it was a lot of fun. I love the cake and that's so funny how Riley calls the four wheelers trucks. He is just such a cutie. I love his expressions!
That picture of Ava and Savannah is seriously adorable too. :)

Amanda Harding said...

You did such a great job with the party! I loved how Riley jumped right on the bike and took off :)

Katharine said...

Aww, such a sweet boy! What a mess... U did a great job decorating, absolutely loved the cake!

The Anders said...

Awe! He's so precious and growing up too fast!

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

He's adorable, and growing up too fast!