Monday, May 5, 2014

wild hog canoe race

The 37th annual Wild Hog Canoe Race took place at the end of April. Matt competed in the race for the third year in a row and I took pictures for the event for the second year.  
Timothy and Wallace competed together this year.
This was the largest crowd I've seen in the three years that we've gone.

There were around 100 boats that entered the race this year which I believe was about 30 more than last year.

I'm not sure if it was on purpose or an accident that one of these guys flipped the other guys canoe but once the first one was flipped the second crew flipped their competitors canoe. It made for some good laughs and funny pictures.

Quite a few people from the church entered this year which can be picked out in the following pictures.



The entrance to where the race ends...
Riley saw me do this with my sunglasses at one point while I was taking pictures so he wanted to try it too.
I thought this picture was pretty funny as it appears that the canoe is going to tip but it managed not to. Also notice the canoe in the background has no one in it. A couple of team's canoe would go floating down the river and they would have to try and chase after it in the water.
This is only about half of the racers. A lot of people had left by the time this picture was taken.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like so much fun!! I loved spotting people I know in the pictures. :)