Friday, May 22, 2015

Weston -- 11 months

Matthew Weston turned 11 months old yesterday! I'm very sad that this is the last monthly shoot before he turns one.

He is such a funny little guy and makes cute expressions. Most of the time, they are hard to catch on camera because he makes them while moving around. This boy does not like to stay still for long.

I love his blueberry eyes!

Weston already likes to roughhouse with his big brother. He acts like he is very close to walking as he is constantly letting go of things while standing, and balancing well. He loves to eat but is currently going through a picky stage. It pretty much changes every day. He is becoming more of a daddy's boy and gets so happy when Matt gets home from work. He likes to be wherever Matt and Riley are. He loves to go outside and especially loves the cat and her kittens.


Unknown said...

He could not get any cuter!! Loved getting to see that sweet kiddo and the rest of you in person! :)

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

He's gorgeous!