Tuesday, April 7, 2015

just random

I have been so bad about blogging and taking pictures with my real camera. I'm just combining some pictures from this year for this post.

 Weston was wearing his John Deere pajamas from Grandma for the first time and Riley had to get in the picture too.

We've done lots of road trips this year and I finally remembered one day to get my camera out and take pictures.

This guy keeps the trip fun and entertaining and I love the time we get to spend together.

Riley goofing off. He loves to go on trips and the day we told him we were going home he cried. He was happy to get home to all his toys though.

 beautiful scenery in New York...

We saw so many vineyards along the New York turnpike.

These next two pictures are from when Weston started being able to feed himself without dropping everything. 

his eyes <3 p="">


Unknown said...

Aww, Weston feeding himself is just adorable... Riley's pajamas are totally cracking me up... and the scenery in New York looked beautiful!

franny said...

Susan, Matt bought those pajamas for Riley for Christmas. :)

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

I had a good laugh over Riley's pjs! Love all the pics!

Unknown said...

the boys are so cute!!! <3

Anna Morgan said...

The pjs are too cute. The scenery pics are beautiful and I love Weston's bright blue eyes!