Thursday, April 23, 2015

Weston + Snickers

After Weston's 10 month pictures, he pulled up to the window and was so excited to see the cat. This baby absolutely LOVES Snickers and gets so excited when he sees her. He likes to crawl after the cat when we're outside and the cat is very patient with him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weston -- 10 months

My "little" baby boy turned 10 months old today and I was sad writing two numbers on the chalkboard. 

He looks bored here but it was soon discovered that he was chewing on something he had picked up off the floor.

I love his big blue eyes and his two little teeth poking through!

This little guy gets all over the house and is becoming quite the little trouble maker. He pulls up everywhere and walks along furniture. His new favorite thing to do is pull up to the coffee and table and start taking down the decor one by one. Riley has become protective of the items that he use to discard himself. He will follow Weston around saying, "No, Weston" and then move things where Weston can't get to them. He LOVES to eat and, as of late, he has become a lot less picky. Some of his favorites are avocado, black beans, yogurt and bread. We had chicken and rice stir fry for dinner the other night and he put away the same amount of food as Riley. He has gotten better about sleeping at night and sometimes sleeps through the night. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Instagram -- March

Weston started crawling right after he turned 8 months... we got a new bed set and Riley thought the old one was for him... the boys were playing with each other so well...
buggy parking at Wal-Mart in Goshen, IN... the best brownie and ice cream EVER... I love all the time I got to spend with my man on road trips...
I wanted a farm after seeing all the beautiful farms in northern Ohio... Weston was so happy with himself that he figured out how to pull up... the boys love swinging...
my little coffee station... poor baby was worn out after being up so much at night while he was cutting his first two teeth... both boys conked out at church...

Instagam -- January + February

a beautiful Florida sunset... the boys like riding by each other on trips... watching snow fall in Indiana...
 Riley walking in snow for the first time-- he wasn't crazy over it... how the boys roll in Wal-Mart... his face and hair-- I love it!
Riley was doing the big slide by himself along with the little one... Riley helping feed his little brother... Riley didn't like waking up from a nap and getting out in the cold... building a tower by himself... sweet sleeping cousins... Annie and Weston had a fun time with each other in January...
 Weston likes when I wear hoodies... Weston went through a time of sucking his thumb and I loved it... I just love watching him sleep!
the boys loved riding in this buggy at Home Depot... what the front of our house looked like after the siding was off-- it looked pretty bad under the white tarp thing... playing with daddy before bed...
I just love how blue my baby's eyes are.. my husband likes to spoil me with Cinnabon's... Riley did a lot of running on this walk and then he came home and helped wash dishes...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

just random

I have been so bad about blogging and taking pictures with my real camera. I'm just combining some pictures from this year for this post.

 Weston was wearing his John Deere pajamas from Grandma for the first time and Riley had to get in the picture too.

We've done lots of road trips this year and I finally remembered one day to get my camera out and take pictures.

This guy keeps the trip fun and entertaining and I love the time we get to spend together.

Riley goofing off. He loves to go on trips and the day we told him we were going home he cried. He was happy to get home to all his toys though.

 beautiful scenery in New York...

We saw so many vineyards along the New York turnpike.

These next two pictures are from when Weston started being able to feed himself without dropping everything. 

his eyes <3 p="">

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

Thanks to Ellen, we have some family pictures from Easter. 

This picture portrays Riley so well!