Monday, March 23, 2015

Weston -- 9 months

Mister Weston turned 9 months old on Saturday!

This past month has been a big one for him. The week he turned 8 months, he started crawling. About a week and a half later he pulled up for the first time while taking a bath. He now pulls up to furniture and also was standing in the fridge with his big brother last week. He discovered his tongue recently and it is pretty much always sticking out. He wants to make sure I know he hasn't grown up quite yet by waking me up several times a night. I know it will be over before too long and he won't need me as much anymore so I try to enjoy these times and start the morning off with coffee. :)


Unknown said...

He is soooo cute! love the hair!

Katharine said...

Hahaha....this post cracks me up, especially the "tongue" and the "coffee"! :-)