Monday, October 13, 2014

Instagrams --- September

out together for our first anniversary... Riley welcoming Snickers to the family... snugly baby after bath time... a morning of editing pictures while Riley colored and Weston napped... my current favorite pillow... morning snuggles
new centerpiece -- found the cute buckets for $1 at Target... Riley giving his bear a ride on his bike... happy baby with his daddy...

Matt teaching Riley how to make cookies... Weston's favorite place to sleep... headed away for the weekend... 
 my babies playing together... Matt gave me these cute owl... Weston loves his gym...

spending time with just my baby... a little while later he was zonked... pictures from our beach trip the week before...
Weston's new onesie... Riley saw Weston sitting like this and said he was praying... my precious guys...


Katharine said...

Aww, so precious! Love the pictures

The Anders said...

Such sweet pictures. I miss y'all.