Monday, May 6, 2013

Krispy Kreme

Recently we made a trip to Krispy Kreme. I had never been inside of one and seen how they make the doughnuts. It was neat to see how the process works. The hot doughnuts did not disappoint and were amazing!

Riley loves food and was so excited when he saw the doughnuts. He got to try a couple of bites.

He wasn't so sure about the first bite, but then he wanted more.


Morgan family said...

Cute pictures! I love Rileys expressions in the pictures of him trying the doughnut.=)

The Anders said...

Riley is the cutest.kid.ever!

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

That's a yummy trip for sure! Cute pics of Riley trying the doughnuts.

Unknown said...

Oh my word, I love how Riley's expression changed with the doughnut. He is just too adorable.
Now you're making me want a hot Krispy Kreme doughnut. They really are amazing.