Tuesday, April 16, 2013

8 months...the fair...& more

Riley is 8 months old today! He started getting himself into a sitting position and pulling up last week. He is working on cutting his first tooth. He hasn't started crawling on his knees yet but he uses his arms and legs to do an army crawl and can get around quite fast. He loves to see himself in mirrors and he likes taking a bath. He likes eating and goes crazy when you have a drink with a straw or a frappe cause he likes to try to drink out of straws.
This is how I found him this morning...

 On Thursday night, we went to a fair they had in Williston this weekend. They have the fair every year, but this was our first year to go.

Riding the Ferris wheel.

We met up with two guys from church. They did some of the crazy rides with Matt.

They didn't have very many animals at the fair yet since we went on the first night. They did have these hilarious stuck up llamas.

This was not only Riley's first time to ride a carousel, but mine too. They were missing the carousel music though. :(

Riley also likes to play the piano. I actually don't know what he likes better -- the book or the piano.

He likes to play in his new walker...

We went to Sun n' Fun this past weekend so I'll get those pictures up sometime. I've got a lot of sewing and picture editing going on these days so blogging doesn't usually make it to the top of the "to do" list.


Unknown said...

He is so cute and growing up so much! I can't wait to see him again.
I had my first carousel ride with one of my kids too, but that stinks about no music. :)

The Anders said...

Riley is so adorable! Miss y'all.

Katharine said...

Wow, can't believe how fast he's growing....he's not a baby anymore!

Anonymous said...

Aww...he's stinkin' adorable, and quite accomplished these days! =)

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

Those two top pics of him standing up are adorable. Btw, he looks just like you as a baby in the third pic down!