Friday, June 22, 2012

Joseph & Amanda's Wedding Pt. 2

Here is the second part of the wedding, finally! I really didn't mean to wait this long between these posts.

I love this picture of Amanda -- she looks so happy!

Releasing of the doves...

The decorations...

I love these flowers submerged in water. Totally gorgeous!!

The bridesmaids waiting on pictures.

The couple with Amanda's dad.

The family, minus Tj and Susan and their kids. :(

Donna & Samuel

The adorable flower girls...

and the mischievous ring bearers.


Mae, Pauline and Adina played during the reception.

The boys table. They were having way too much fun together!

Pumpkin & Hannah

Feeding each other the cake...

Amanda had a little fun with Joe's.

The beautiful couple.

My handsome husband and I.


Mae said...

love, love, love all the pics...I have been checking often :) thanks so much for posting! how did you get the family one?

Morgan family said...

Great pictures!

franny said...

Mae-- One of the bridesmaids took it with my camera.

Unknown said...

Yay, more pictures! I loved seeing these. Some really great pictures. Amanda was beautiful and her Joe look so happy. The decorations were just so pretty too.
And cute picture of you and Matt. You look great!

Patrick and Hannah Walsh said...

Love ALL these pictures!