Thursday, July 21, 2016

Weston turns two

Baby Weston isn't so much a baby anymore. ;( He is a rascally little two year old who loves to copy everything his big brother does but still loves to snuggle. He likes to find Chloe in my bed in the morning and go snuggle with her. 

This kid talks a LOT. He fully communicates with us and sometimes still surprises me with some of the things he says. He has started wanting to pray sometimes when we eat, which is really sweet. Before he goes to bed he requests "Jesus Loves Me" at least once. He can come up with a long bedtime routine!

Weston likes turtles so he was very pleased with his cake!

june 2016

The boys had the idea on their own to read to Chloe one morning. It was so sweet!

one month old

Father's Day 2016 -- these kiddos are blessed with a very loving daddy who is teaching the boys to be little men and already talks about what he will do to boys who come for Chloe. :) We had a very relaxing day letting the boys play in the pool and we sat outside and talked all morning. Then Matt grilled some amazing food for dinner!