Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Chloe -- 7 months

 Our happy baby girl turned 7 months old last Saturday. She's getting around these days by rolling and just when you think something is out of her reach she proves you wrong. 

She is my oldest to still be toothless.

She stills sleeps in her bassinet, even though she fills the thing up.
 She loves puffs, yogurt melts, and any little bits of table food she gets. She is liking baby food more these days if I make it nice and thick. We were walking around Sam's last week eating a yogurt parfait and I let her try a bite. She then would pitch a little fit every time she saw it and didn't get a bite. She has definitely showed us her feisty, emotional side. She likes to remind us that she is a girl and is going to be a whole different ball game than the boys.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chloe -- 6 months

Our Chloe girl is 6 months old today! That means she's halfway to one. :( She has gotten a little bit spoiled today as the reality of that hit me today.

As you can see, she sits up very well on her own now. She has tried some baby cereal a couple of times and seems excited about it. She is still chewing on everything and people keep asking if she's teething, but nothing yet. I'm happy about that because no teeth keeps her looking like a baby. 
She has just started grabbing at the carpet, when she's on her tummy, acting like she wants to scoot. She still sleeps in her bassinet but she fills it up. She loves her brothers and they get her laughing quite often. We are so thankful for our baby girl!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Coon Hollo

In October we went to visit Coon Hollo with some family and friends. The boys really got to enjoy the place and weren't ready to leave. It makes me want to go buy a farm. :)

They both enjoyed the slide this year and Riley might have liked it just a little more than Weston.

Weston looks terrified but as soon as he reached the bottom he asked to go again.

feeding the cows

Weston loves to walk around with his hands in his pockets. He has a serious fascination with pockets and also wants to get dressed right after breakfast in the morning because his pj's don't have pockets.

They also had fun climbing the hay bales and going through the corn maze.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chloe Bliss -- 5 months

Chloe turned 5 months old last week but I was waiting to take her pictures because Matt bought me a new camera for my birthday and I was waiting to get it in the mail. Anyways, I took these pictures the morning after I received it.

This girl still has the whole family in love with her! She is such a smiley girl and the boys love to get her laughing. She has become very attached to mommy and now cries when I leave the room, if she isn't being held by someone. She loves attention!

You would think she's teething by the way this child chews on everything but no teeth have been spotted.

She sits up really well now and only needs a little assistance. And I really need to go through her clothes and move her up a size but I really dread every time I have to do that. She just won't stop growing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Last month we accompanied Matt on a business trip to Mississippi. That was the first long distance trip with three kids. I was concerned about how Chloe would do since she hadn't been very happy about car rides. On the way, she didn't cry the entire trip and on the way home she only cried for maybe 10 minutes. I was so thankful!
checking out the view at the hotel... we had a gorgeous view of the Mississippi River and the boys enjoyed watching all the tugboats go by,

 Chloe turned 4 months while we were away

 Matt and I also celebrated our 5th anniversary while we were gone!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Riley turns four

Riley turned 4 a month ago and I find it hard to believe that I have a child that age. He is a ball of energy who is all boy. He loves to play outside and get dirty, build with legos, play with monster trucks (or really any truck), have cookies and milk every night with daddy, and anything else that involves being with his dad. He can be a very sweet big brother to his younger siblings and usually enjoys playing with Weston. He likes to hold Chloe and does really well with her. 

We are so blessed to have him in our family.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Chloe update

These past four months since Chloe was born have seemed to fly by even faster than normal. Although, in a way it seems like she has always been with us. She is our little sweetheart and we all adore her.

She has developed so much in four months and just gotten chunkier. She can now roll both ways but she prefers to roll half way and scoot herself around that way. She can sit up quite well in her bumbo seat. 

She loves to eat her toes... and can get her paci in and out of her mouth. She loves to suck on her fingers too and usually prefers them over a paci. She's still sleeping great at night!

 She seems to be very interested in food but mommy is not interested in her starting that for a little while yet. The boys love when they get her laughing at them. She has a contagious smile that she will flash at anyone.
This was on her actual 4 month birthday. We were out of town so we had to wait on her "official" picture. She is one loved and spoiled little girl!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Weston turns two

Baby Weston isn't so much a baby anymore. ;( He is a rascally little two year old who loves to copy everything his big brother does but still loves to snuggle. He likes to find Chloe in my bed in the morning and go snuggle with her. 

This kid talks a LOT. He fully communicates with us and sometimes still surprises me with some of the things he says. He has started wanting to pray sometimes when we eat, which is really sweet. Before he goes to bed he requests "Jesus Loves Me" at least once. He can come up with a long bedtime routine!

Weston likes turtles so he was very pleased with his cake!

june 2016

The boys had the idea on their own to read to Chloe one morning. It was so sweet!

one month old

Father's Day 2016 -- these kiddos are blessed with a very loving daddy who is teaching the boys to be little men and already talks about what he will do to boys who come for Chloe. :) We had a very relaxing day letting the boys play in the pool and we sat outside and talked all morning. Then Matt grilled some amazing food for dinner!