So this will be a boring post in that there will be no pictures. Well, unless I decide to post one at the end. Anyways I was just thinking over this past year as we are less than an hour away from entering the year of 2015. I have so much to be thankful for and wanted to post some of the things that the Lord has brought to my mind to mention.
The biggest blessing of this past year was our family growing with the birth of Weston. I don't want to take it for granted that I have a healthy baby and, despite things that could have gone wrong with the pregnancy, I had a healthy one. I love watching him grow and learn new things and watching him and Riley become friends is so fun. I love when Riley sits down next to him and says, "Hey Buddy".
That brings me to being so thankful for my boys. They are far from perfect, well mainly the two year old :), but they keep me going to God. SO many times during a day I feel overwhelmed when they're both crying and needing attention but I wouldn't trade my life for the world. Being able to raise my two kids is awesome. I love that I get to stay home with them. Sometimes I think about what it would be like if I worked outside of the home and came home at 5:00 every night. I would miss so many things. So many moments that to many would be deemed small but they make all of this thing of motherhood worth it.
A little rabbit trail here... the other day Riley was giving me a hard time about something and pitching a fit. After it was over and a short time had passed he said, "I'm sorry" to me all on his own. It made all of that struggle worth it and now I can't even remember what the situation was all about.
My husband does so much for me and works so hard to provide for our family. God has continued to provide for us even in the slow times of work and when it doesn't look promising. Matt doesn't complain about waking up at midnight to go to work. After some days of driving for 11 hours and being gone for 14 hours he will still come home and help with the kids, dinner, laundry, dishes and the list goes on.
Most of all I'm thankful for my Savior, as I am nothing without Him, and nothing in life means anything without Him.
I am excited for 2015 and the new adventures awaiting us. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!