Thursday, August 28, 2014

Riley's birthday party

We celebrated Riley's second birthday with some of our family.
He loved that his cake had "trucks"! Although they really aren't trucks and his daddy tried to get him to say "four-wheeler" he still called them trucks.

 He wasn't scared of the candles this year and liked trying to blow them out.

 The kids had a water balloon fight. The little kids would pretty much just run to the edge of the porch and throw them on the ground but they had fun doing that.

He was so happy to get his tricycle. He discovered our hiding spot for the trike a couple days before his birthday and was very heart broken that I wouldn't let him play with it. 

He does know how to peddle a little bit but prefers to use his feet to scoot around. 

Our little boy is growing up and his vocabulary is every growing. He can repeat everything you ask him to say, although it doesn't always sound like the word. He has started singing a lot and will go around the house making up songs that I can't really understand. The other day I told him to do something and he said, "No. I don't want to."! He is learning how to count and I'm pretty sure he skips "three" and says "four" for both number. That's at least what it sounds like to me. He is becoming more gentle with Weston and is turning into a good big brother. I've caught him standing next to the baby a couple of times with his hands folded saying "pray". We are so thankful for our Riley Preston!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Weston -- two months

 My baby is growing so fast and is two months old today!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

my boys

A couple of weeks ago I took some pictures of Matt and the boys.

Riley loved being able to run around shirtless. :)

I haven't decided if I like this one in color or black and white...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

meeting Weston

I realized I hadn't posted pictures of Weston meeting his family.

Mom Schmidt and Josh were the first ones to meet Weston, about two hours after he was born. Josh was actually the first one to hold him.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Instagrams -- July

 baby's fuzzy hair... snuggles with little man... my boys ready for the Williston parade
us on the 4th... sweet baby sleeping... ever growing Weston...

the first time I held Weston (throw back in time)... hanging with my little boys... Matt carrying and pushing the boys on a walk...
 Weston inside and outside... my sleeping angel... Matt surprised me with a date night

he wouldn't stay in his bed but was too tired to stay up and play... Riley loved the beach last time we went... Weston's first trip to the beach...
 love Riley holding the baby's hand... Weston at one month old... Riley loves Chinese food...

first sewing project in over a month... baby hanging with his daddy... I think Weston is practicing his defensive moves...
 I finally caught him smiling on camera... little man... trying out our $325 stroller we got for $100 on Craigslist...

A little story about our double stroller... I did a lot of research into a double stroller that would work with our infant seat. I really like our infant seat but it won't fit in most double strollers. I found a brand of strollers that would work that had great reviews. When I went to order one (a little cheaper version than what we ended up with) in June, I found the coupon I was going to use was expired. I kept waiting on another coupon but gave up on that idea and was going to order it next week. Matt looked on Craigslist Tuesday night (not sure why I hadn't thought of that) and we found the one that was a little more expensive for $100. The one we ended up getting was actually nicer than the one I was going to order. Anyways, long story but I was very happy with how everything turned out!